This blog was created by Ant with wholehearted love using Hugo to scratch the longtime itch of documenting whatever is on my mind since my memory is terribly unreliable. I often struggle to vaguely remember past experiences, let alone intrincate thoughts and feelings, which are volatile and vanish as soon as the wind changes. And what’s there more important than thoughts and feelings anyway.
That’s not the actual itch, however. The real motivation behind this blog is to speak to the world. And by world I mean the maybe 2 people who will hopefully read some lines on this site. I always feel like I have so much going on inside, as we humans do, and that I so desperately need to let it out. Just typing these words makes me feel heard and understood. So if you are one of the two people who will read this, thank you. Sincerely.
Thirdly, I miss doing media reviews. I worked at the Official Nintendo Magazine in Spain for a year, and it was without the sliver of a doubt the hardest and most stressful job I’ve ever had. But it taught me so much and I cherished every publication. Writing about something you love allows you to reflect on your love, to replay the experience in your mind and find new points of view, to develop your feelings towards it. To understand it in a way that not even experiencing the media again would allow you to. Understanding and expressing your thoughts on a work of art is an art of its own which brings one closer to the medium, and a skill I hope to keep improving.
This blog uses a heavily customized version of the hello-friend-ng theme and follows the File over App philosophy that Steph Ango defends and in which I firmly believe. All the posts are simple markdown files that I shall own forever.
That’s me!!! I’m a 29 year old guy who just loves doing more things than his time allows. Here’s a picture of me!
My interest are wide: I love learning new things, music, hot matcha, reading (fiction and non-fiction and manga), meeting new people and making a good use of my time. I love taking pictures of the beautiful things I see every day. And I’m currently learning Japanese!!! Oh, and for some reason I’m also interested in macroeconomics and the stock market (NOT cryptos, real economics!!!)
But the thing I love the most is video games. I wake up thinking video games and go to bed thinking video games. Present and past. Widely-known and indie. I love playing, of course, but I’m also interested in the industry surrounding games, in their history, in their design. Lately I haven’t been able to devote much time to them and it almost hurts, it’s as if something is missing. So I’m determined to fix that!
Again, thank you from giving me a bit of your time. I love you. Don’t hesitate to say hi!!! I’m on X, Instagram and, if you are some kind old freak like I am, I’ll be happy to chat over email :)
commit d2efcf6 @ 2025-01-07